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Limoges Bird Boxes

Birds are beautiful vertebrate animals adapted for flight. Some have lost their ability to fly but retain their wings. There are about 10,000 different species of birds in the world and each one captivates scientists and bird watchers alike.

Pigeons and doves may look different to some people but they are essentially the same bird from the Columbidae family. There are several hundred species of these birds. Smaller forms are called doves and larger ones are known as pigeons.  During World War 1 and World War II, over 100,000 homing pigeons were used to communicate news from the front lines and permitted information to be carried out under radio silence. Radio transmissions weren’t secure and could be intercepted. Homing pigeons were responsible for saving thousands of lives while carrying out risky missions. The Greek poet, Anacreon, wrote about his tamed pigeon’s role of carrying love-letters to his lover. The pigeon or dove has been associated with the ancient all-powerful Mother Goddess. In Greek mythology, Zeus and his dove-priestesses would meet in the sacred oak drove at the Dodona to make oracular interpretations based on the flight and behavior of birds. In the Old Testament, Noah releases a dove from the Ark to find land. The dove returns with an olive branch. The symbol of the dove with an olive branch still remains a message of hope and peace today. Doves are also used in ceremonies and wedding celebrations. Releasing doves are seen as a sign of peace and remembrance. The city pigeons and doves of today are seen as nuisances but are in fact abandoned refugees and memories of the past. 

The Limoges Fountain with Doves Box is a charming piece that encompasses nature with garden elements. The doves sitting atop this fountain look lovingly upon each other.

The Limoges Two Doves on Heart with Flower Box has two doves kissing perched on a branch set atop of heart painted with flowers and leaves.

The Limoges Pink Dress Angel with a Dove Box is an elegant item featuring an angel releasing a dove from her hands.

Predatory birds, such as falcons, hawks and eagles, have been used for falconry for centuries. Falconry is the taking of a wild quarry with a trained bird of prey. The nature of the sport is to harness the natural hunting ability by training the bird to hunt in partnership. Before falconry was used for game, it was used to bring food to the table. Starting in the 1700s, Falconry clubs started appearing in Europe. After World War II, traditional prey birds were placed on protected lists under law and licensing was required in order for a falconer to take a bird for falconry. Today, falconry with eagles used for hunting can still be found throughout the Eurasian Steppe, Mongolia and China. Eagles are powerful birds of prey from the Accipitridae family. There are 60 species of eagles found around the world. Eagles have been a symbol of war and imperial power since Babylonian times. Eagles are depicted on coins, medals and the ruins of Greek and Rome. They are monogamous creatures and are known to mate for life. In Greek mythology, harpies were half human and half bird creatures that carried evildoers to be punished by Erinyes. The harpy eagle is named after these mythical beings. Native to North America, the bald eagle has been the national emblem for the United States since 1782. Native Americans believe the eagle is closer to God than humans are and use their feathers in ceremonies.

The Limoges Eagle with Open Wings Box shows the wing span of the American bald eagle. This larger piece is a great gift for any collector!

The Limoges Chamart Eagle’s Head Box shows an up close look at the curved beak and facial details of the eagle.

The Limoges Eagle on Rock Box has a bald eagle perched on a gray painted rock. This item shows depth and would add strength to your collection!  

Another popular predatory bird is the owl. There are over 200 species of the owl. They are solitary and nocturnal creatures. Many owls have asymmetrical ears that are able to locate sounds in multiple dimensions. Their eyes are completely immobile but provide binocular vision which fully focuses and boots depth perception. Owls are also able to rotate their necks 270 degrees. The Great Gray Owl is the largest in North America at 32 inches tall. The Elf Owl is the smallest in the world at 5-6 inches tall. They have captivated people of all ages for their striking beauty, mystery, cute appearance. In Greek mythology, the owl was a favorite of the goddess of wisdom, Athena. In 1871, Edward Lear included an owl in his poem called The Owl and the Pussy-Cat, which became a popular nursery rhyme.

The Limoges Wedding Owls Box is an adorable gift for weddings or anniversaries! These porcelain owls are dressed in a white dress and tuxedo and stand on a white textured base.

The Limoges Owl on Grass Box has the intense mysterious eyes of the owl and is perched on a branch.

The Limoges Owl and Pussicat Round Box is painted with a scene from the famous nursery rhyme.

The Limoges Mini White Owl at Midnight Box is a miniature box and has a blue base with stars.

The pelican is a water inhabitant that is known for its distinguished large elastic throat pouch. They are one of the 8 species of the Pelecanus family. They can reach 70 inches long with the wing span of about 10 feet. Weighing up to 30 pounds, they are among the largest birds. They use their throat pouch to catch fish to eat. Besides fish, they are also known to eat crustaceans, amphibians, turtles and other small birds. Pelicans nest and breed in colonies usually found on islands. Pelicans faced the brink of extinction due to pesticide pollution such as DDT. Since the use of DDT was prohibited in the 1960’s, the pelican population has increased. During medieval Europe, pelicans played a role in the history of Christian art. Myths circulated that a pelican mother would intentionally stab themselves on the breast with their beaks and use the blood to feed their chicks. This gesture was compared to the sacrifice Jesus made on humanity’s behalf by artists. The King James Bible made in 1611 featured an image of a breast-pierced pelican and the same symbol appeared as a broach in a 1575 portrait of Queen Elizabeth.   

The Limoges Pelican Box is presented on a bright blue base painted to appear as ocean waves. The orange colored bill and webbed feet make this an appealing item.

The Limoges Pelican with Fish Box is beautifully crafted to encompass the life of the Pelican. Perched at the side of a body of water, the artist captures the shades of color in the bill as well as the fish in its mouth. You will not be disappointed in this item!

The stork is a long-necked large bird from the Ciconiidae family. They are about 20 species and they are related to the herons, flamingos and ibises. Their height ranges from 2 to 5 feet. Storks lack a fully developed vocal organ so they are close to voiceless. Storks are mainly found in Asia, Africa and Europe but some species occur in Australia and regions between North America and South America. Most storks eat small animals found in shallow water and fields. The wood stork nests in trees above standing water such as swamps. Storks are seen as the heralds of new life. They have fueled stories about how they deliver human babies. In German folklore, storks found babies in marshes wrapped in white cloth and delivered them to households. In Greek mythology, the Goddess Hera was jealous of the beautiful Queen Gerana so she turned her into a stork. Variations of the story shows the stork stealing babies for Hera and others tell the story of the stork trying to get a baby back from Hera.   

The Limoges Stork with Babies Box and Scissors is a creative holder for a pair of scissors styled to look like a stork. This proud parent watches over their babies cuddled in the nest. This would be a memorable gift for a baby’s first haircut!

The Limoges It’s a Boy Stork Box has a painted scene of a stork carrying a baby boy in a blue cloth blanket! This imagery is a great way to preserve the news forever!

The flamingo is a pink wading bird with thick downturned bills and long legs. Their height ranges from 3-5 feet tall. Flamingos flock together and are often seen standing on one leg. Their nests are made from muddy clay piled up a few inches in a shallow lagoon. They are one of the few birds that feed their hatchlings crop milk. Flamingos eat diatoms, algae, and invertebrates. Their feather colors are the result of the carotenoid pigments in their food. Some flamingos have orange feathers and many even have black on their wings. In ancient Rome, their tongues were considered a rare delicacy. In ancient Egypt, Flamingoes were a representation of the god Ra.

The Limoges Flamingos Box shows a pair of pink flamingos standing among the tall reeds of a lake.

The duck is a small, short-necked, large-billed waterfowl from the subfamily Anatinae. Just like swans and geese, ducks have rearward legs which create the distinctive waddle. Ducks molt twice a year. It is believed that the wild mallard is the ancestor of all domestic ducks. Over the last 3,000 years, the duck has undergone multiple crossbreeding and mutations. The three categories of ducks are shallow-water, diving and perching. The most popular game bird is the mallard duck which is a shallow-water duck. The diving ducks make up the greatest number of marine species. Duck raising is popular in England, the Netherlands, and the United States for its meat, egg production and feathers. In Native American culture, ducks appear in their legends, are used as clan animals and are sometimes used in their traditional tribal dances.

The Limoges Big Duck on Grass Box has the traditional green painted head of the mallard duck with a light brown body and accented blue-green feathers.

The Limoges Two Mallard Ducks in Water Box is molded with a mallard duck entering the water from flight. This item has the painted details to show the beauty of these waterfowls.

The goose is a large heavy-bodied waterfowl from the Anatidae family. They associate mainly with fresh water in the Northern Hemisphere. They are known for their honking and gabbling cries when danger is near. They are migratory birds and travel the farthest south of their breeding grounds but Canadian geese have been known to remain in areas of southern Canada and northern parts of the U.S. Toulouse, France has the largest and most popular domestic meat goose and produces the delicacy, pate de foie gras. Goose feathers and down are still in high demand for quality insulation in quilts, pillows, coats and sleeping bags. In Egyptian mythology, the God of Earth, Geb, is sometimes depicted with a goose on his head.

The Limoges Goose by Garden Fence Box shows painted details of the heavy bodied goose standing next to a brown picket fence.  

The Limoges Mother and Baby Goose Box is painted white with detailed wing feathers and orange bill with a matching gosling.

The Kingfisher includes about 90 species of birds in the Alcedinidae, Cerylidae and Halcyonidae families. Many species are river dwellers. They are noted for their water dives. Even though they are mainly tropical, they are distributed around the world. They range from 4 to 16.5 inches with a long massive bill, large head and compact body. They are colorful birds with vivid plumage and bold patterns. Kingfishers have dramatic hunting techniques and are a fan favorite to watch. They usually eat fish, crustaceans, reptiles and amphibians. The forest kingfishers eat insects, snails, reptiles, frogs and small birds they capture on the ground. Generally, most of the kingfisher species have large populations and classified as least concerned on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. In Southeast Asia and the Pacific Ocean tropical islands have specialized habitats and some kingfisher species have declined. In Greek mythology, the Goddess Halcyon and her mortal husband, King Ceyx, were transformed into kingfishers by the gods after a tragedy at sea.   

The Limoges Gold Kingfisher Box is painted in gold with accented blue feathers and red belly and designed in the resting position.

The Limoges Kingfisher Box is painted with vivid blue-green plumage with a red-orange belly. This piece brings the tropical world to you!

Parrots are part of the Psittacidae family which includes 333 species and they make up the largest subfamily. They are omnivores and will eat fruit, seeds, nuts, insects and even some meat. Parrots have been kept as caged birds since ancient times for their amusement, intelligence and affection. They are capable of imitating a variety of sounds including human speech. The parrot’s beautiful plumage has bacteria-resistant pigment that produces their red, yellow and green coloration. The African gray parrot is able to precisely echo human speech. It is 13 inches long with light gray feathers and a red tail. The Amazon parrot ranges 10 to 16 inches long with green plumage with bright colors on the upper head. In 327 B.C., Alexander the Great’s forces brought ring-necked parrots back to Greece after conquering India. In Indian mythology, the Hindu god of love, Kama, is depicted riding a parrot. Parrots are often associated with happy expressions and celebration.

The Limoges Red Parrot on Branch Box is perched on lightly green base with leaves and butterflies. The wings are painted in the vibrant iconic colors.

The Limoges Gray African Parrot Box has painted gray feathers with red tail feather and is perched on a tree stomp.  

The Limoges Mother and Baby Parrot Box is painted in the traditional parrot colors of green, red and yellow!

Lovebirds are small parrots that are part of the subfamily Psittacidae. Lovebirds are monogamous and have become the most represented animal associated with love. Lovebird mates pine for each other and even feed each other. If one mate dies or is separated, its companion exhibits erratic behavior. In the wild, lovebirds dwell in holes and make their homes in trees, shrubs and rocks.

The Limoges Red and Gold Birdcage with Birds is uniquely styled with a porcelain top with painted red roses lined with gold leaves. Inside the gold metal barred cage, two white porcelain lovebirds perch with a heart in between them. This item would make a great Valentine’s gift!

The Limoges Lovebird on Book Box has a small lovebird painted in shades of blue and purple sitting atop of a love story book. This item is elegantly painted with flowers and would make a romantic gift!

The Limoges Birdhouse with Heart and Birds Box is painted red and pink with greenery and roses. This lovely item is complete with a heart crafted clasp.

The toucan is a tropical American forest bird with a large striking colored bill from the Ramphastidae family. The term toucan is a common name used for about 15 species. The largest toucans can reach 24 inches long. The toucan bills can make up 1/3 of the bird’s total length and is composed of lightweight bone. They eat fruit, insects, snakes, frogs and small mammals. Toucans are one of the noisiest birds in the forest. Their sounds include loud barks, harsh croaks and bugling calls. They nest in old woodpecker nests or natural holes form in trees high above the ground. The ancient Aztecs believed that the Toucan’s beak was made from rainbows and that by performing rituals, the gods would grant them rain.   

The Limoges Toucan on Branch Box and Limoges Toucan with Cherries Box will definitely make you feel like part of the tropical forest! These items are crafted and painted to portray the toucan shape and feathers perfectly.

Penguins are flightless marine birds found in the Southern Hemisphere. The short stocky appearance combines with the waddle has made these creatures popular worldwide. They range from 14 to 45 inches tall and weigh about 2 to 90 pounds depending on the species. The populations of various species are estimated in the hundreds of thousands across several islands. In the 19th century, hunters visited some of these colonies for meat, eggs and penguin oil. By the 20th century, this industry was no longer profitable and many colonies became actively protected. Today, penguins are highly vulnerable to climate change and local fish depletion by humans. In Maori mythology, the god Tawaki walked the earth in human form and wasn’t recognized by humans until he clothed himself in lightning. The Fiordland penguin lives in the rainforests of New Zealand and is called tawaki by natives.           

The Limoges Mama Baby Penguin on Ice Box has two penguins standing on a textured white surface. The base in painted with a royal blue and is finished with a fish crafted clasp.

The Limoges Penguin Box is a proud standing porcelain emperor penguin with light yellow-orange coloring under its chin and sides of its head.  

Puffins are diving birds that belong to the auk family. There are 4 species of puffins and they are found in the northward parts of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Puffins are nicknamed sea parrots. They are known for their large triangular brightly colored beaks. Puffins weigh about 17.5 ounces and can reach about 12 inches long. They have black feathers on its back and white feathers on its front. Puffins build their nests in large colonies on island and seaside cliffs. They eat a variety of marine organisms and are able to carry 10 small fish crosswise in the bill back to their nest.  

The Limoges Puffin Bird Box has a scene of a puffin standing atop his seaside cliff home. You are able to see the iconic triangular bill painted on this Limoges box.

The Limoges Two Puffins Box has a female resting on her nest while the male looks over her. The background shows snowy covered mountains in a distance while the base is painted with greenery and flowers.

The cardinal is a medium-sized thick-billed species of songbirds residing in North America. The male cardinal has bright red plumage with a black mask and orange beak. The female cardinal has a duller red or brown plumage. They are known to whistle all year round. The Native Americans of southeastern tribes consider cardinals good omens and the Cherokee associate cardinals with the sun. The cardinal has become the symbol of family. Cardinal parents take turns in the nurturing of the young in the nest. When one parent leaves to find food, the other stays with the nest.

The Limoges Cardinal Bird Box has a beautifully red painted cardinal with his crown perched on a branch with brown leaves.

The Limoges Cardinal Stamp Box and Limoges Cardinal Perfume Chest Box have a painted male and female cardinal perched next to each other on a tree branch.

Pheasants are large chicken-like birds that have been used for game hunting and collections for centuries. They are known for their incredible flying skills when startled but they choose to spend most of their time on the ground. Male pheasants are vibrantly colored with blue-green heads, red face wattles and distinctive white neck rings. Female pheasants are usually dull light brown colored. There are about 50 species of pheasant. The ornamental pheasants, such as the Lady Amherst and Golden pheasant, have been represented in collections and zoos for its beautiful distinctive feathers. Some species have been raised for sport and were on the verge of extinction. Game laws were put in place and the population made a comeback. Today, the pheasant is depicted in art for its beauty and as a fine table delicacy for its lean meat.

The Limoges Imperial Phaesant on Yellow Box is painted to show the rare beauty of this hybrid creature.

The Limoges Pheasant Bird Box has a vibrantly colored blue-green head and distinctive feather patterns. As it proudly presents on an oval stand painted like a grass field, this item is a must have!

Chickens are medium sized poultry that are descendent from the wild red jungle fowl. There are more than 60 breeds of chicken. They are raised globally for its meat and eggs. Roosters and hens are recognized for their fleshy combs, lobed wattles and high-arched tails. Some roosters have tails extended up to 12 inches in length. Hens egg laying is stimulated by long stretches of daylight occurring in warmer months. Artificial lights can trigger this response too. Some hens produce 300 eggs per year. Flocks of chickens develop of a social hierarchy which includes one dominant adult mail, a few subdominant males and a few females. The dominant male watches over the females. The first domestication of these animals was most likely used for religious purposes and for bird fighting sport. Starting in the 20th century, chicken meat and eggs became mass-produced. 

The Limoges Hen with Chicks Box is painted in shades of yellow and tan. The hen stands protective around her little yellow chicks.

The Limoges White Hen with Red Scarf Box looks like a mother hen with a red and white checkered scarf draped over her shoulders. The base compliments this piece painted in green and yellow with small white petal flowers.

The Limoges Rooster on Grass Box has a bright red comb and lobed wattle which stands out against the different shades of gray feathers.  

The Turkey is a native game bird of North America that has been domesticated for the table. Indians of pre-Columbian Mexico first started domesticating the common turkey. In 1519, the turkey was taken to Spain and from there it spread throughout Europe. Different strains of the turkey were bred. In the 17th century, English colonist introduced European-bred strains to eastern North America. Originally, turkeys were bred for their beautiful plumage but starting in the early 1900s, breeding changed to their meat qualities. Wild turkeys live in wooded areas near water. They eat seeds, insects and occasionally reptiles. They are capable of flying short distances up to 55 mph and run rapidly when scared. Turkeys have individual unique voices and exhibit over 20 distinct vocalizations. They are intelligent, sensitive, highly social and very affectionate animals. Turkeys have the ability to learn details about an area over 1,000 acres.    

The Limoges Wild Turkey Box with Baby is painted with colorful plumage and is a great piece for Autumn!

The Limoges Chamart Turkey with Fall Leaves Box is painted with multicolored maple leaves on a light blue background. This item is great for Thanksgiving! 

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Limoges Summer Bird Box with Butterflies

$199.00 $165.00
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Limoges 3 French Hens Box

$345.00 $275.00
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Limoges 4 Calling Birds Box

$345.00 $275.00
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Limoges 6 Geese a Laying Box

$345.00 $275.00
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Limoges Gray African Parrot Box

$199.00 $175.00
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Limoges Baby Pelican Box

$145.00 $115.00
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Limoges Big Duck on Grass Box

$165.00 $128.00
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Limoges Big Rooster on Grass Box

$165.00 $128.00
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Limoges Big White Swan Box

$165.00 $139.00
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Limoges Bird Couple on Nest with Eggs box

$199.00 $185.00
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Limoges Birdcage with Two Birds Box

$199.00 $165.00
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Limoges Birdcage with Lovebirds Box

$299.00 $265.00
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Limoges Birds on Branch with Butterfly Box

$225.00 $199.00
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Limoges Birds on Heart Box

$185.00 $165.00
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Limoges Birds on Nest with Eggs Box

$199.00 $188.00
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Limoges Black and White Hen with Chicks Box

$188.00 $159.00
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Limoges Blue Holiday Bird Box

$188.00 $159.00
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Limoges Bluebirds on Leaf with LadyBug Box

$199.00 $188.00
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Limoges Bluebirds on Mailbox Floral Box

$275.00 $245.00
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Limoges Cardinal Bird Box

$169.00 $138.00
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Limoges Cardinal Garden Cart Box

$225.00 $185.00
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Limoges Cardinal Stamp Box

$199.00 $165.00
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Limoges Cardinal Garden Basket Box

$215.00 $168.00
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Limoges Cardinal Paintings on Easel Box

$199.00 $165.00
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